
A message from God


 Mr. Uehara, who is a Shinto priest of the local Ryosha Shrine, conducted the annual ceremony of ISOWA's guardian god, Ryujin-sama, on April 12th under a clear sky.



New employees are in charge of setting up the ceremony every year under the guidance of the employee support team.


Annual and monthly ceremonies are held to pray for no accidents and no injuries.


Unfortunately, the entire ISOWA group had 3 work-related accidents and 24 cases of near-miss incidents (there might have been more near-miss).


In addition, traffic accidents have been particularly noticeable recently.

Twenty-five accidents occurred, including five cases caused by small rocks.


As a matter of course, Ryujin-sama's help alone cannot reduce the number of accidents, nor can we completely eliminate accidents.


That's why all employees must make an effort every day.

We must point out all the unsafe acts to each other, our colleagues, firmly with courage.

This is one example of what “Take an initiative!” to pursue zero accidents means.



 We heard a voice from heaven at the end of the ceremony! What is it? We looked up at the sky,

Ryujin-sama was watching over us from the sky!

No, no, it was Mr. T, who gave us instructions for a commemorative photo! 


Let us consider Mr. T our safety god (I'm just joking) and always increase our safety awareness!

T-kun, please guide us!