
Guests from the US

Some of you might recognize one of the guys in the picture.
The third person from the left is an ISOWA America’s service manager.
He and his family came to Japan for vacation.

He’s from Idaho US, and has been working with us for 33 years.
He joined the company one year after I did.

Back in the days, we would hire local engineers for overseas machine installations, and he was one of them.

He had lived in Japan, and spoke perfect Japanese. Naturally he caught the eye of my father who was spearheading our growth in the US market at the time.

Since then, he has always been such an important part of ISOWA America. 

His Japanese skills, friendly personality and hard work.
These are without doubt what have made ISOWA America as successful as we are now.

And through all these years, it was always his dream to take his family to Japan and show them around ISOWA.

Look at their smiles! I’m glad his dream has come true.

I hope his family had fun in Japan and will come back again!

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