

Do you know a Korean word, 금연 Geum-yeon?

In the drama “Dae Jang Geum”, which is the only Korean drama I’ve watched, Geum-young (금영) is a rival for the main character Seo Jang-geum.

But here, I am not talking about “Geum-young” from the Korean show. 

Currently in South Korea, we have an on-going installation project of a whole corrugator line, whose length reaches 100 meters long. 

The first group of the installation crews left Japan in the middle of June.

Then following the second and third group have left Japan in July and the remaining 3 groups will leave Japan by the end of August.

A total of 17 members will join the 3-month long installation. 

Even though the number of Covid-19 cases is low around the customer’s factory which is far away from the city, the Korean government carefully manages visitors from abroad and requires them to self-quarantine at the hotel designated by the Korean government for 2 weeks.

The other day our third group finished self-quarantine and then joined the installation work.

Hoping for our staff’s health and safety, I sent a message to them on their first day of work.

Then I received a reply from one of them saying:

“I feel so exhausted today. Without any physical activities for 2 weeks, I lost much of my physical strength. I’m really surprised at this physical breakdown I’ve never experienced before. While taking my condition into account, I’ll do my best as a representative of ISOWA to avoid any injuries during this work.”

From his following messages, it turns out that one is not allowed to get out of the room at all, and moreover, they are not allowed to drink alcohol or smoke during the entire self-quarantine period.

It’s like torture especially for those who like to drink or smoke.

But if you are willing to take this opportunity and stop smoking, it’s worth it to withstand this hardship.


By the way, 금연Geum-yeon means “no smoking” in Korean, which happens to be very similar to the name of the character in the Korean drama, “Dae Jang Geum”, I mentioned at the beginning.  “Geum-yean” is not exactly the rival of Jang-geum in the drama, but for the smokers!  HAHA!

I hope that the ISOWA installation team performs well and stays in good condition.

Good luck!

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