
A breeze from Arizona? or a breeze from Okinawa?

Mrs. A is from ISOWA America in Phoenix, who is also one of my Facebook friends,

I happened to see her last week's post. "I'm going back to my parents' home in Okinawa on vacation."

She has been working at ISOWA America for several years, and we have had conversations like "Please come to ISOWA once" and "I definitely want to go!"

I originally planned to invite all ISOWA America members to ISOWA in Nagoya for the 100th-anniversary celebration, but the plan didn't come true because of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

So, I contacted her immediately,

"Can you come to ISOWA during your vacation?"

As a result, for the first time, she came to ISOWA for one night and one day from Okinawa during her precious family visit.

The night she arrived, Mr. O, from the Overseas Sales Department, and I took her out for a welcome dinner.

The following day, she had her first visit to ISOWA, which we had longed for.

"Menso-re!", a message in Okinawan dialect, was written on the welcome board by Ms. T from the Overseas Sales Department. 

Great hospitality! Thank you, Ms. T!

Even though Mrs. A has exchanged phone calls or emails with the members of ISOWA Japan before, this was the first time she exchanged face to face greetings with them. I was able to get her to hear members' ISOWA stories during the Discover ISOWA Tour.

She is bilingual, so she is a valuable bridge between ISOWA Japan and ISOWA America.

She helped many ISOWA-bitos.

Mrs. A, who loves factories. She said - 

"It was very fun."

It was her precious homecoming from the United States, and she took her time to visit ISOWA for two days.

The face-to-face encounters during this visit will surely lead to "Speed to Taiwa" - "Quickness and Interaction" between IJ and IA in the future.

Mrs. A, thank you very much for visiting ISOWA. See you again soon!

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